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Alice's Restaurant 2008
It's Thanksgiving 2008. I decided this year not to bother with cooking, but instead took advantage of the supermarket pre-cooked dinners. Not being a huge fan of turkey, I opted for ham and prime rib instead, along with a host of appetizers, shrimp being the top prize. Lest you consider going this route at some point in the future, I should warn you that "pre-cooked" does not mean "pre-cooked:" The prime rib was raw and needed over an hour in the oven, ditto for the mashed potatoes, yet I can't complain about the misleading advertising. If my worst complaint in the world were to be that I had to cook my Thanksgiving dinner, that would indeed be an obscene complaint. Minor inconvenience at best, especially in light of how many people in this world--this country--do not have the means to feed themselves and their families. Yeah, Freddie Meyer misled me, but that's minor...we're a land that can feed the world many times over, yet we fail to take care of our own, much less the rest of the world. Then again, given the selfishness in our society, this should be no surprise. The scorecard is mixed:
- This last year has served as a reminder of worldly selfishness. Carie, Laurie--Think of your cruelty as you turn your backs on those who need help. Existential phenomenology and naturopathy my ass. You had the ability to make a difference, and instead you chose not to care.
- On the other hand, I have met some wonderful people this year. In spite of the unbelievable cruelty that I have seen, there has also been unbelievable kindness. I can only pray that somehow, at the end of days, that which is positive overcomes that which is cruel. From one orphaned heart to another, thank you.
- Above all else, we have young men and women serving in our military in foreign lands, thousands of miles from home, most of them away from home for the first time. Though many of us, myself included, question the political motives behind the effort, none of us for a moment can question the altruism of those soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who are there. If even one of you were to read this, please understand this: We love you and thank you for what you represent. You are, indeed, the hope for what we as a country and a people represent. Thank you, stay safe, and come home.
If I sound more flippant than usual, it's a result of "Alice's Restaurant" playing in the background. I first heard this song many, many years ago while celebrating Thanksgiving in a college dorm. It's amazing how some things so simple can become a defining moment in one's life, and for me, "Alice's Restaurant" represents such a moment. I remember trying to cook for myself the first time: Scrambled eggs. I had never done this before, I was horrified they would stick, so I stirred them continuously--vigorously--as they cooked, and in return I wound up with dry, fried pellets. Years later, a girlfriend would explain to me that my efforts had completely dehydrated the eggs...still, as bad as they were, I again could not complain: I had food, and a future, in front of me. The future would hold both good times and bad, and I try to remember the warmth, the friends, the lovers, while trying to forget the cruel. Sometimes this succeeds, sometimes it fails, but in either case, I thank those who have chosen to be my friend and/or my lover over the years. Even when things did not work out perfectly and for all time, I remember you, I honor your memory, and I thank you. I won't list you by name, as you know who you are, but thank you. All the best to you and yours, today and for all time.
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