Tuesday, January 03, 2012

And it is over...

It's Tuesday 3 January 2012, and I am back in the office, weeding through literally over 1000 backlogged emails. As much as I dreaded the thought of a 36 hour trip home, it was done in a blink. On my arrival home, Melba met me at the airport, a fitting end to the holiday.

I am trying to live up to the notion of losing the weight I packed on these last few weeks, though every time I pass by one of the kitchens there is chocolate or cheesecake somebody has brought in from home...I am OK with temptation when I cannot see it, but put it in front of me and any semblance of willpower disappears.

For the first time in I cannot remember how long, I don't have a vacation on the books, so I have no idea when or where my next trip will be. I am even toying with the idea of spending next Christmas at home, with a Christmas tree, though I think that will surely not be the case. For now, I close out the London/Egypt trip, saying the memories for this one are especially strong and fond. Now, on with 2012!

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