Monday, January 07, 2013

Israeli Passport Stamps

Israeli Passport Stamps
29 December 2012

Here’s one quick note on a potentially sticky question:  If you have an Israeli stamp in your passport, what countries will refuse you entry?  After talking with my tour guides and doing some research, this seems to be the situation.

Jordan and Egypt are no problem.  As much as the people may dislike the Israelis, and vice versa, the countries are technically at peace so, at this time, migrating between them is not a problem.  Obviously, this could change at any time.

UAE or Qatar are “iffy.”  You may or may not be permitted entry if you have an Israeli passport stamp; it is more or less up to the whim of the official considering your request. 

Other countries such as Syria, Lebanon, and the like:  No chance.  If you have the Israeli stamp, you will be denied entry.

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