Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Tie

I decided not to wear the tie, and that was definitely the right would have been way too stuffy if I had done so, and I would have been tearing it off two minutes into the first interview.

The job is an interesting opportunity. It has a good potential within the company, but we all acknowledged I was far more senior than the position required. It's funny, I could definitely understand all of the laments (i.e., growing pains) they are going through---I've lived through all of them, and I do know what they need to do to move forward. We're going to think about it on all sides, maybe it would be a good "foot in the door" opportunity with a chance to move into a more appropriate position later. Then again, I'm not sure that I want to wait for of my strengths is that I am patient, but one of my greatest weaknesses is that I am too patient.

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