Thursday, July 31, 2008

Quick Update on My Life

It looks as if the temporary contract gig I mentioned is coming through, so on 11 August I will be starting a minimum six month gig with Microsoft. The division is perfect for me: They need somebody with experience in hardware development, software development, engineering management, program management, test development, and QA. If you read my resume, that's me. So, I'll be giving this a try, and we will see where it leads. Sounds exciting, much like Apple back in the early Mac days when I was working on the original Portable.

In any case, I have a hole in my life for the next week, so on a lark I decided to book a trip to Munich. As much as I love London, I wanted to try something different, and this will give me a chance to dust off the German from my high school days. More later, but for now I need to start packing....

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