Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Transition: Jordan to Israel

Transition:  Jordan to Israel
27 December 2012

It’s 4:30 in the morning, and again I find I cannot sleep, this time in anticipation of the journey to Israel.  My main objective in taking this trip was to see Israel, and the inclusion of Jordan was something I did mainly because of Petra.  With that in mind, as we transition between the countries, I should summarize that Jordan actually did have more to offer than I thought it would.  While it probably won’t rank high on my future return list, there were three highpoints:

  1. Petra, as expected, was the ultimate highlight, and it far exceeded what I thought it would be.  Discovering that it consisted of so much more than the Treasury building was incredible.  If I were to return to Jordan, it would be with the sole intent of spending multiple days exploring this site.
  2. Mount Nebo was the second highlight, and in spite of the hazy weather which precluded the view of the Holy Land it was an experience that defies words.
  3. Jerash was a pleasant and unexpected surprise.  I knew nothing of this site before the tour, and to see a very expansive, reasonably well preserved Greco-Roman city was a bonus I had not counted upon.  While I doubt I will ever return to see it again, it will be a memory I will hold for the rest of my life.
So, in my last few hours in Jordan, I feel it was in and of itself an incredible experience, but it is Israel only a few hours away which is the true reason I am here.  This is like the start of my holiday all over again!

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