Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cairo Safety

Given all the news about violence in Cairo for this last year, more than one friend suggested I was crazy to visit at this time, though I actually feel very safe and not the least bit worried about the situation. I might feel differently if somebody else were here with me, but what I have seen is not the least bit frightening at this time. Seeing the shell of the burnt out National Democratic Party Major Office, I am sure the situation was different in the past, and that it could erupt again, but at this time all seems under control.

This does, however, rekindle in my mind a discussion Melba and I had but three days ago about hosting ancient artifacts such as the Rosetta Stone or the Elgin Marbles in a safe but foreign environment such as the British Museum versus hosting them in their native land. At the time, I could see both sides, but after seeing this morning how the Egyptian Museum is situated between Tahrir Square and the charred shell of buildings, I have to say that there is a pragmatic merit to the foreign land argument. I'll fill this thought out more completely at a later date (I'm terribly behind on my posts so am focusing on the current ones at this time so I don't lose the train of thought while on the Nile...more later.)

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