Thursday, December 15, 2011

On the Road Again...

It's Christmas time, which also means it is time for my Winter Holiday 2011. I always love these trips, but this one will be extra special as my favorite Bond Girl, Melba Lee, will be with me for the first three days. Specifically, I (we!) are leaving on Friday evening, 16 December, for three days in London, where we will be staying in an Art Deco Suite at the Savoy! On Tuesday 20 December, Bond Girl boards her plane back to the States, while I board one headed for Cairo. (Yep, the place that has seen all the unrest this year!) I'll be meeting an escorted tour there, spending two nights in Cairo, then boarding a cruise ship for seven nights on the Nile. After the river cruise, I have three more nights in Cairo, including NYE in the Marriott right by Tahrir Square. This is going to be interesting!

More details tomorrow...for now, time to finish packing!

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