Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Second Day in London

Melba and I both agreed we would not follow a rigid agenda for the three days, with only a few things being "must do's." The meeting with Anita and Fiona was one, and the British Museum was the second.

Melba "thought" she had been to the British Museum before, but she was not certain, so I made absolutely certain to get picture of her in front of the Rosetta Stone and the Elgin Marbles.

We walked back from the Museum to the Strand, and found a very private and cozy cubbyhole (aka "snug") in The Lyceum, where we had some interesting conversations! After that, we went back to the Savoy, Melba took a nap, while I tried to get caught up on some odds and ends, as well as finding the local market in the Charing Cross Railway Station where I stocked us up on some crackers, cheese and drinks. I figured Melba wasn't going to feel like going out for dinner: She had no voice (at all!) after having spent the previous day with the sisters.

We had the snacks in our room, some conversation, then we took a short nap before I awoke at 4:00 AM in the morning with the insatiable desire to hit one of my favorite places: The McDonald's right by Charing Cross! Though I was quite capable of doing so on my own, Melba insisted on going with me to "keep me safe..." In any case, it brought back fond memories of many of my previous trips when late night arrivals meant the McD was my only dining choice!

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