Sunday, August 10, 2008

Next Steps in Germany

It's Sunday evening, 10 August, and I am still in Hamburg having arrived just yesterday. I will be flying out of Munich on my way back home to Seattle on Saturday 16 August, and as such I have a few days to drift through Germany. Rather than tie myself to a rigid schedule, I've decided to float for the time, with a short three hour train ride to Berlin tomorrow mid-day. I don't have a hotel selected yet, and I am not sure how long I will remain there. I may stay a day or two, yet if I really don't like it I could (in theory) catch a sleeper train out of Berlin tomorrow for some as of yet undecided next stop. I'm excited at the prospect of just playing this by the ear, knowing that my only really firm requirement is to be somewhere in the vicinity of the Munich airport come Friday night.

Having been here exactly one week now, I have to say I am surprised at how my comprehension and speaking have improved. Part of it is mechanical, just remembering and/or learning more and more words, but the bigger part is more psychological, knowing how to carry on a conversation with another when you cannot converse fluently. It's fun and exciting! I believe in my heart a great deal of my love of Europe is simply that everything, even the simplest of daily routines, feels new and unpredictable. It's like being a grown-up child, needing to learn how to do and ask for the most basic needs of life.

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